McLeod Health Partners in Nursing Education Programs

(Florence, SC, May 30, 2023) – As a partner in nursing education for the region, McLeod Health has made a contribution of $75,000 to Florence-Darlington Technical College (FDTC) to help maintain their nursing program.
Nursing represents the nation’s largest health care profession and the largest single component of hospital staff. Additional nurses will be needed to care for the aging population, who typically have more medical problems than younger people.
“The need for healthcare services is increasing due to many factors including the national shortage of nurses as well as the growing number of aging baby boomers,” stated Tony Derrick, Chief Nursing Officer for McLeod Regional Medical Center. “This is why it is vitally important to McLeod that Florence-Darlington Technical College continues to educate nurses.”
According to Derrick, nurses serve an important role in the delivery of quality health care.
“McLeod recognizes the enormous value of the nurse’s contribution in patient care,” said Derrick. “Providing patient advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, participation in shaping health policies and patient education are also key nursing roles.”
Because nurses are essential to health care and the region’s economy, this area is very fortunate to have a nursing education program at FDTC.
Florence-Darlington Technical College offers an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) that allows students to prepare for Registered Nurse (RN) boards in five semesters.
“FDTC’s partnership with McLeod continues to grow, leading to our students having access to a family-sustaining wage with little to no debt leaving FDTC,” said Dr. Jermaine Ford, President of Florence-Darlington Technical College. “We are so thankful for this generous donation from McLeod that will truly benefit our students who are pursuing a nursing career.”
“The relationship and financial support of allied health nursing education is imperative to McLeod and our area,” added Derrick. “With competent nurses as part of the medical team, McLeod is capable of carrying out its mission of providing quality health care for patients in the region.”