Why McLeod
McLeod Health is the region’s destination for medical excellence. Our excellence extends from the Midlands to the Coast along the border of North and South Carolina – serving more than one million people. As medical needs grow – we grow, expand, and improve our facilities and services. The McLeod Health network is comprised of 8 hospitals with locations in Florence, Darlington, Dillon, Manning, Cheraw, Loris, Little River, and Myrtle Beach. Founded over a century ago, McLeod is a locally owned, not-for-profit healthcare system that features the strength of more than 900 members of medical staff, 2,900 registered nurses, and more than 15,000 team members. McLeod constantly seeks to improve patient care with efforts that are physician-led, data-driven, and evidence-based.

Recruiting at McLeod Health
Watch this video featuring Octavia Williams-Blake, Chief Human Resources Officer for McLeod Health as she discusses the rich diversity of strength of our McLeod Health workforce.
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McLeod Health is Here For Life
McLeod Health is the region's destination for medical excellence. Our excellence extends from the Midlands to the Coast along the border of North and South Carolina - serving more than one million people. As medical needs grow – we grow, expand, and improve our facilities and services.
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