McLeod Health Careers Course
This capstone course is designed for students who are interested in the pursuit and development of a career in the medical field either at a technical school or a 4-year university / college. Students will receive mentorship by McLeod Family Medicine residents and medical professionals, train in simulated clinical situations, conduct research on current healthcare trends, and lead project-development initiatives focused on servicing population health needs. Students intern in clinical areas to observe and study careers in pharmacy, nursing, physician and surgical specialties, medical lab science, administration, rehabilitation, pediatrics, oncology, radiology, respiratory, trauma, intensive care, chaplaincy, nutrition, and more.
The class is instructed and coordinated by McLeod Health Workforce Development Health Careers Program at McLeod Regional Medical Center two days per week during the traditional 4th block timeframe and extends into after school hours. This is an honors level completely immersive work-based credit-bearing course. It is recognized by the SC State Department of Education as a Health Science elective course and is aligned with Health Science Education standards.
- You must be a 12th-grade student in one of the following school districts: Florence One, Florence Two, Florence Three, Florence Five, Darlington County, Marion County.
- You must have completed required STEM/CTE and/or upper-level science and math prerequisite courses.
- Your acceptance is made at the discretion of each school district and McLeod Health.
- You must complete your application for this CTE course during your district’s enrollment period.
If you are interested in the McLeod Health Careers Program, please contact McLeod Health Human Resources, speak to your school’s Work-Based Learning Coordinator, or consult with your guidance counselor.